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Appendix 1: Tables supporting graphs

(i)Table supporting Figure 3.1: Countries with WG-SS or Other functional difficulty questions and without functional difficulty questions in national censuses and surveys 2009-2022

Country Category
Afghanistan 1
Albania 2
Algeria 1
Andorra 4
Angola 3
Antigua and Barbuda 2
Argentina 2
Armenia 3
Australia 2
Austria 4
Azerbaijan 3
Bahamas 3
Bahrain 3
Bangladesh 1
Barbados 3
Belarus 1
Belgium 2
Belize 2
Benin 1
Bhutan 1
Bolivia 2
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2
Botswana 1
Brazil 2
Brunei Darussalem 3
Bulgaria 1
Burkina Faso 3
Burundi 3
Cabo Verde 4
Cambodia 1
Cameroon 3
Canada 2
Central African Rep. 1
Chad 1
Chile 1
China 2
Cook Islands 1
Colombia 2
Comoros 4
Congo, Dem. Rep. 1
Congo, Rep. 4
Costa Rica 1
Côte d’Ivoire 2
Croatia 3
Cuba 1
Cyprus 2
Czech Rep. 2
Denmark 3
Djibouti 2
Dominica 3
Dominican Rep. 2
Ecuador 1
Egypt, Arab Rep. 1
El Salvador 3
Equatorial Guinea 3
Eritrea 4
Estonia 2
Eswatini 2
Ethiopia 1
Fiji 1
Finland 2
France 2
Gabon 3
Gambia, The 1
Georgia 1
Germany 3
Ghana 1
Greece 1
Grenada 3
Guatemala 1
Guinea 2
Guinea-Bissau 1
Guyana 1
Haiti 1
Honduras 1
Hungary 3
Iceland 4
India 2
Indonesia 2
Iran 3
Iraq 1
Ireland 2
Israel 2
Italy 2
Jamaica 1
Japan 3
Jordan 1
Kazakhstan 3
Kenya 1
Kiribati 1
Korea, Dem. Rep. 4
Korea, Rep. 3
Kosovo 1
Kuwait 3
Kyrgyz Rep. 1
Laos 2
Latvia 2
Lebanon 1
Lesotho 1
Liberia 1
Libya 3
Liechtenstein 4
Lithuania 3
Luxembourg 2
Madagascar 1
Malawi 1
Malaysia 3
Maldives 1
Mali 1
Malta 1
Marshall Islands 1
Mauritania 1
Mauritius 1
Mexico 1
Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 2
Moldova 1
Mongolia 1
Monaco 4
Montenegro 1
Morocco 2
Mozambique 3
Myanmar 1
Namibia 1
Nauru 1
Nepal 1
Netherlands 3
New Zealand 1
Nicaragua 3
Niger 1
Nigeria 1
Niue 3
North Macedonia 1
Norway 3
Oman 3
Pakistan 1
Palau 1
Palestine 1
Panama 2
Papua New Guinea 2
Paraguay 3
Peru 2
Philippines 1
Poland 3
Portugal 4
Qatar 1
Romania 3
Russian Federation 3
Rwanda 1
Samoa 1
San Marino 4
São Tomé and Principe 1
Saudi Arabia 1
Senegal 1
Serbia 1
Seychelles 1
Sierra Leone 1
Singapore 2
Slovak Rep. 3
Slovenia 2
Solomon Islands 2
Somalia 1
South Africa 1
South Sudan 3
Spain 2
Sri Lanka 1
St. Kitts and Nevis 3
St. Lucia 3
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 3
Sudan 3
Suriname 1
Sweden 3
Switzerland 3
Syria 3
Taiwan 4
Tajikistan 1
Tanzania 1
Thailand 2
Timor Leste 1
Togo 1
Tonga 1
Trinidad and Tobago 3
Tunisia 1
Turkey 2
Turkmenistan 1
Tuvalu 1
Uganda 1
Ukraine 3
United Arab Emirates 3
United Kingdom 2
United States 1
Uruguay 2
Uzbekistan 3
Vanuatu 1
Vatican City 4
Venezuela 3
Vietnam 2
Yemen 1
Zambia 1
Zimbabwe 1

Source: Own calculations based on dataset questionnaire review, as described in the text.
Notes: 1 indicates a country has the WGSS; 2 indicates a country has Other functional difficulty questions; 3 indicates a country has no functional difficulty questions; 4 indicates no questionnaires/surveys were reviewed for a country.

(ii)Table supporting Figure 3.2: Share of datasets with WG-SS and Other functional difficulty questions over time

Type of questions found 2010-2014 2015-2019 2020-2022
WGSS 19 117 32
Other functional difficulty questions 75 60 29
No functional difficulty questions 633 397 173

Source: Own calculations based on dataset questionnaire review, as described in the text.
Notes: The number of datasets reviewed for each period is as follows: 727 for 2010-2014, 574 for 2015-2019 and 234 for 2020-2022.

(iii)Table supporting Figure 3.3: Share of datasets with functional difficulty questions over time, globally and by region (%)

World region 2010-2014 2015-2019 2020-2022
Europe & Central Asia 12 18 5
East Asia & the Pacific 19 48 30
Latin America & Caribbean 15 22 4
North America 36 52 63
Middle East & North Africa 12 37 42
Sub-Saharan Africa 10 31 43
South Asia 9 28 7
All regions 13 31 26

Source: Own calculations based on dataset questionnaire review, as described in the text.
Notes: The number of datasets reviewed for each region is as follows: 213 in Europe & Central Asia, 150 in East Asia & the Pacific, 198 in Latin America & the Caribbean, 72 in North America, 107 in Middle East & North Africa, 450 in Sub-Saharan Africa and 98 in South Asia.
Table supporting Figure 3.4: Share of datasets with functional difficulty questions over time, globally and by region excluding all HFPS (%).

(iv)Table supporting Figure 5.1: Share of adults with functional difficulties (%)

Country Any difficulty Some difficulty At least a lot of difficulty
Nigeria 11 10 2
Cambodia 12 9 3
Kenya 13 10 3
Tonga 13 8 5
Guatemala 13 10 3
Senegal 14 10 5
Mali 19 15 4
Timor-Leste 21 19 2
South Africa 22 16 7
Pakistan 24 16 8
Maldives 25 14 11
Mauritania 25 20 5
Haiti 25 20 5
Rwanda 25 18 8
Uganda 33 24 8

Source: Own calculations based on DHS data except for Guatemala, Kenya and Tonga where population census data was used for each country.

(v)Table supporting Figure 5.2: the share of adults with any, some and at least a lot of difficulty at the regional level in South Africa

Region Any difficulty Some difficulty At least a lot of difficulty
Eastern Cape 31 20 11
Free State 25 15 10
Gauteng 20 15 5
Kwazulu-Natal 25 17 8
Limpopo 21 14 7
Mpumalanga 18 12 6
North West 21 16 5
Northern Cape 30 23 7
Western Cape 18 14 4
National 22 16 7


(vi)Table supporting Figure 5.3: the share of adults with any, some and at least a lot of difficulty at the regional level in Kenya

Region Any difficulty Some difficulty At least a lot of difficulty
Baringo 10 8 2
Bomet 8 7 1
Bungoma 15 13 3
Busia 17 14 3
Elgeyo-Marakwet 9 7 2
Embu 18 13 5
Garissa 4 3 1
Homa Bay 23 17 6
Isiolo 7 5 2
Kajiado 7 6 1
Kakamega 18 15 4
Kericho 8 7 1
Kiambu 11 8 2
Kilifi 11 9 2
Kirinyaga 14 11 4
Kisii 18 14 4
Kisumu 20 15 5
Kitui 14 11 4
Kwale 12 9 2
Laikipia 11 8 2
Lamu 12 10 2
Machakos 14 11 3
Makueni 18 13 5
Mandera 6 5 1
Marsabit 5 4 1
Meru 17 13 5
Migori 17 13 4
Mombasa 10 8 2
Murang’a 17 13 5
Nairobi 8 7 1
Nakuru 11 8 2
Nandi 11 9 2
Narok 7 6 1
Nyamira 19 15 4
Nyandarua 13 10 4
Nyeri 15 11 4
Samburu 8 6 2
Siaya 24 19 5
Taita Taveta 16 13 3
Tana River 10 8 2
Tharaka-Nithi 19 14 5
Trans Nzoia 13 11 3
Turkana 7 5 1
Uasin Gishu 10 8 2
Vihiga 23 18 5
Wajir 4 3 1
West Pokot 6 5 1


(vii)Table supporting Figure 6.2: the multidimensional poverty headcount for adults with no, some and at least a lot of difficulty at the regional level in Haiti

Region No difficulty Some difficulty At least a lot of difficulty
Aire Metropolitaine 27 44 59
Artibonite 72 85 92
Centre 77 89 89
Grand’Anse 87 94 92
Nippes 73 90 92
Nord 63 81 93
Nord-Est 67 84 94
Nord-Ouest 77 87 95
Rest-Ouest 68 80 91
Sud 73 86 93
Sud-Est 73 88 96
National 61 76 86


(viii)Table supporting Figure 6.3: the gap in the multidimensional poverty headcount between adults with no difficulty and adults with some difficulty, and between adults with no difficulty and adults with at least a lot of difficulty in Guatemala at the village level

Region no vs some difficulty no vs at least a lot of difficulty
Acatenango 2 -14
Agua Blanca -12 -16
Aguacatán -1 -7
Almolonga -4 -6
Alotenango -8 -15
Amatitlán -4 -20
Antigua Guatemala 2 -9
Asunción Mita -11 -21
Atescatempa -11 -18
Ayutla -8 -18
Barberena -8 -17
Barillas -2 -4
Cabanas -6 -14
Cabrican -6 -9
Cahabon 1 -1
Cajola -3 -5
Camotán -2 -5
Canillá -1 -4
Cantel -10 -23
Casillas -10 -14
Catarina -4 -9
Chahal 0 -1
Chajul -1 -2
Champerico -3 -7
Chiantla 6 -7
Chicacao 0 -5
Chicamán 3 -2
Chiché 0 -2
Chichicastenango 2 -3
Chimaltenango 0 -13
Chinautla -9 -20
Chinique 4 -7
Chiquimula 1 -10
Chiquimulilla -12 -21
Chisec 0 -1
Chuarrancho -4 -7
Ciudad Vieja -2 -24
Coatepeque 1 -11
Cobán 3 0
Colomba -6 -14
Colotenango -2 -2
Comalapa -6 -15
Comapa -6 -9
Comitancillo -4 -5
Concepción -1 -3
Concepción Chiquirichapa -2 -12
Concepción Huista -3 -4
Concepción Las Minas -11 -17
Concepción Tutuapa 0 -4
Conguaco -5 -7
Cubulco -4 -9
Cuilapa -7 -15
Cuilco -2 -5
Cunén 1 -4
Cuyotenango -3 -11
Dolores -4 -11
El Adelanto -11 -17
El Asintal -2 -4
El Chol -16 -24
El Estor -4 -7
El J caro -7 -21
El Palmar -7 -14
El Progreso -11 -25
El Quetzal -5 -4
El Rodeo -1 -4
El Tejar -4 -16
El Tumbador -2 -6
Escuintla -7 -20
Esquipulas -7 -14
Esquipulas Palo Gordo -8 -12
Estanzuela -3 -18
Flores 0 -25
Flores Costa Cuca -3 -9
Fraijanes -2 -23
Fray Bartolomé de las Casas -1 -3
Génova 0 -2
Granados -16 -20
Gualán -2 -14
Guanagazapa -12 -12
Guastatoya -16 -22
Guatemala -2 -16
Guazacapán -10 -21
Huehuetenango -6 -25
Huitan -3 -6
Huité -10 -7
Ipala -10 -16
Ixcán -2 -3
Ixchiguan -1 -4
Iztapa -14 -23
Jacaltenango -9 -22
Jalapa -1 -11
Jalpatagua -12 -18
Jerez -17 -24
Jocotan 1 -2
Jocotenango 2 -5
Joyabaj -2 -4
Jutiapa -7 -14
La Democracia -9 -14
La Democracia -4 -9
La Esperanza -6 -19
La Gomera -7 -15
La Libertad -1 -5
La Libertad -2 -4
La Reforma -3 -9
La Unión -1 -1
Lago de Atitlán N/A N/A
Lanquin 2 -4
Livingston -4 -5
Los Amates -7 -12
Magdalena Milpas Altas -9 -26
Malacatán 0 -3
Malacatancito -7 -13
Masagua -9 -14
Mataquescuintla -8 -14
Mazatenango 0 -14
Melchor de Mencos -2 -13
Mixco -4 -17
Momostenango -1 -4
Monjas -11 -20
Morales -6 -17
Morazán -16 -23
Moyuta -7 -15
Nahuala -3 -5
Nebaj -1 -6
Nentón -2 -4
Nueva Concepción -11 -15
Nueva Santa Rosa -9 -16
Nuevo Progreso -2 -8
Nuevo San Carlos -3 -10
Ocós -5 -9
Olintepeque -6 -26
Olopa -5 -5
Oratorio -9 -17
Pachalum -12 -19
Pajapita -10 -17
Palencia -9 -16
Palestina de los Altos 4 1
Palin -7 -22
Panajachel -6 -22
Panzós 1 -2
Parramos -1 -11
Pasaco -8 -20
Pastores -10 -23
Patulul -7 -10
Patzicía -4 -12
Patzité 0 -1
Patzún 1 -7
Petapa -4 -23
Pochuta -4 -12
Poptún -8 -17
Pueblo Nuevo -8 -16
Pueblo Nuevo Viñas -10 -15
Puerto Barrios -8 -18
Purulha -1 -3
Quesada -13 -21
Quetzaltenango -5 -22
Quetzaltepeque -8 -15
Rabinal -7 -14
Raxruja -2 -3
Retalhuleu -4 -18
Río Blanco -6 -19
Rio Bravo -8 -14
Rio Hondo -10 -22
Sacapulas 0 -3
Salama -9 -19
Salcajá -10 -28
Samayac -5 -14
San Agustín Acasaguastlán -8 -14
San Andrés -4 -7
San Andrés Itzapa 5 -10
San Andrés Sajcabajá 2 -2
San Andrés Semetabaj -8 -8
San Andrés Villa Seca -3 -9
San Andrés Xecul -3 -8
San Antonio Aguas Calientes -8 -24
San Antonio Huista -4 -14
San Antonio Ilotenango -1 -4
San Antonio La Paz -10 -20
San Antonio Palopó -5 -7
San Antonio Sacatepéquez -6 -12
San Antonio Suchitepéquez -7 -10
San Bartolo Aguas Calientes -1 -9
San Bartolomé Jocotenango 0 -1
San Bartolomé Milpas Altas -8 -22
San Benito -7 -23
San Bernandino -4 -11
San Carlos Alzatate -3 -4
San Carlos Sija -6 -11
San Cristóbal Acasaguastlán -2 -15
San Cristóbal Cucho -2 -6
San Cristóbal Totonicapán -6 -10
San Cristobal Verapaz 0 5
San Diego -16 -18
San Felipe Retalhuleu -3 -19
San Francisco -3 -8
San Francisco El Alto -5 -7
San Francisco la Unión -5 -9
San Francisco Zapotitlán -9 -16
San Gabriel -18 -29
San Gaspar Ixchil -1 -2
San Ildefonso Ixtahuacán -2 -6
San Jacinto -4 -10
San Jerónimo -9 -17
San José -10 -19
San José -7 -12
San José Acatempa -23 -24
San José Chacayá -11 -21
San José del Golfo -9 -17
San José El Idolo -8 -14
San Jose La Arada -11 -16
San José Ojetenam -2 -3
San José Pinula -1 -15
San José Poaquil -4 -9
San Juan Atitan -2 -1
San Juan Bautista -12 -14
San Juan Chamelco -8 -7
San Juan Cotzal -5 -5
San Juan Ixcoy -2 -4
San Juan la Ermita -3 -6
San Juan La Laguna 0 -15
San Juan Ostuncalco 3 -7
San Juan Sacatepéquez -1 -8
San Juan Tecuaco -13 -15
San Lorenzo -6 -13
San Lorenzo -5 -5
San Lucas Sacatepéquez -9 -20
San Lucas Tolimán -2 -12
San Luis 0 -4
San Luis Jilotepeque -6 -10
San Manuel Chaparrón -8 -19
San Marcos 3 -20
San Marcos La Laguna 0 -7
San Martín Jilotepeque -5 -8
San Martín Sacatepéquez -3 -8
San Martín Zapotitlán -9 -21
San Mateo -12 -32
San Mateo Ixtatán 0 0
San Miguel Acatán -1 -2
San Miguel Chicaj -5 -9
San Miguel Dueñas 0 -17
San Miguel Ixtahuacán -2 -6
San Miguel Panán -2 -6
San Miguel Sigüilá -5 -5
San Pablo -6 -10
San Pablo Jocopila -8 -15
San Pablo La Laguna -9 -14
San Pedro Ayampuc -11 -20
San Pedro Carchá 1 -2
San Pedro Jocopilas 1 0
San Pedro La Laguna -7 -16
San Pedro Necta -5 -6
San Pedro Pinula -2 -3
San Pedro Sacatepéquez -9 -14
San Pedro Sacatepéquez -1 -19
San Rafael La Independencia -3 -3
San Rafael Las Flores -8 -15
San Rafael Petzal -6 -11
San Rafael Pie de la Cuesta -4 -17
San Raymundo -1 -15
San Sebastián -6 -14
San Sebastián Coatán -3 -3
San Sebastián Huehuetenango -1 -5
San Vicente Pacaya -12 -24
Sanarate -8 -18
Sansare -12 -22
Santa Ana -11 -17
Santa Ana Huista -10 -18
Santa Apolonia 2 -1
Santa Bárbara -5 -11
Santa Bárbara -1 -1
Santa Catarina Barahona -12 -29
Santa Catarina Ixtahuacan 0 -5
Santa Catarina La Tinta -1 -6
Santa Catarina Mita -11 -21
Santa Catarina Palopó -9 -4
Santa Catarina Pinula -7 -25
Santa Clara La Laguna -6 -8
Santa Cruz Balanyá -6 -14
Santa Cruz del Quiché 0 -8
Santa Cruz La Laguna -3 -5
Santa Cruz Muluá -7 -17
Santa Cruz Naranjo -12 -23
Santa Cruz Verapaz 0 -7
Santa Eulalia 0 -2
Santa Lucia Cotzulmalguapa -5 -16
Santa Lucía La Reforma 0 0
Santa Lucía Milpas Altas -4 -17
Santa Lucía Utatlán -3 -13
Santa María Chiquimula -1 -1
Santa María Ixhuatán -10 -14
Santa María Visitación -9 -22
Santa Rosa de Lima -10 -19
Santa Santa María de Jesús -3 -10
Santiago Atitlán -2 -5
Santiago Chimaltenango -7 -9
Santiago Sacatepéquez -2 -11
Santo Domingo Suchitepéquez -7 -10
Santo Domingo Xenacoj -7 -7
Santo Tomás La Unión -8 -15
Sayaxché -3 -4
Senahú 1 1
Sibilia -7 -15
Sibinal -4 -4
Sipacapa -2 -3
Siquinala -8 -20
Sololá -4 -7
Soloma -3 -3
Sumpango -2 -9
Tacaná -3 -4
Tactic 0 -8
Tajumulco -3 -4
Tamahú 0 -2
Taxisco -10 -19
Tecpán Guatemala 3 -5
Tectitan 1 -4
Teculután -9 -19
Tejutla -9 -11
Tiquisate -5 -14
Todos Santos Cuchumatan -2 -3
Totonicapán -4 -13
Tucurú 3 -4
Unión Cantinil -4 -5
Uspantan 1 -3
Usumatlan -9 -19
Villa Canales -7 -20
Villa Nueva -4 -20
Yepocapa -6 -13
Yupiltepeque -13 -18
Zacapa -3 -16
Zacualpa 0 -4
Zapotitlán -8 -13
Zaragoza -9 -16
Zunil -8 -8
Zunilito -12 -16

Appendix 2a: Methodology of the review of datasets

Survey and census questionnaires were retrieved and reviewed by a team of researchers. Questionnaires from 2009 to 2022 were retrieved from the online International Household Survey Network Microdata catalog, the World Bank Microdata Library catalog, the International Labor Organization survey catalog, the repository of census questionnaires maintained by the United Nations Statistics Division, and the websites of individual National Statistical Offices and other national or regional entities collecting national representative surveys.

To identify if a survey asked any question at all on disability, each questionnaire was searched looking for several disability-related words: disability, difficulty in seeing, hearing, walking, concentrating, self-care, communicating, impairment (blind, deaf, dumb, mental, physical), limited in usual activit(y/ies), limited in the amount of work or type of work or activities related to work, Activities of Daily Living (ADL)s (e.g. dressing, bathing) and questions related to limitations in Instrumental ADLs (IADLs) (e.g. housework, cooking). Each researcher filled a log regarding what questions were found on the different types of surveys or censuses above for each dataset-year. Each log was reviewed by a second researcher.

This review of datasets has noteworthy limitations. The list of search terms related to disability is not exhaustive, nor is the list of datasets that was reviewed. For some datasets, we could not find questionnaires, or they were not in a language that the contributors could read (English, French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish). National data sets were prioritized, thus missing some subnational data collection efforts. Surveys focusing on children were not covered. For trends, we present results for three periods: 2010-2014, 2015-2019, 2020-2022. Fewer datasets were reviewed in the most recent period (2020-2022): this is a shorter period and because data may still be in the collection phase, questionnaires may not be available yet, also during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in 2020, most countries around the globe stopped their data collection process or changed modality of data collection, aspect that reduces the number of available surveys between 2020-2022. This limitation may contribute to noise in the analysis of the most recent trends, especially if the datasets that are not yet available tend to use more or different disability questions compared to those that were reviewed.

Importantly, although we highlight in Dataset Results Tables D2 and D3 datasets that are considered to have internationally comparable questions on disability, the WG-SS and Other functional difficulty questions respectively, we have no information on how the data was collected in the field. We have no information on interviewers’ training, how they asked disability-related questions and if they provided disability accommodation to include persons with disabilities as respondents. Given potential stigma associated with disability, the narrative that interviewers use to introduce or explain questions on functional difficulties is important and might vary across countries even when using identical questions. Further research could examine survey’s guidelines to interviewers on the WG-SS and the effect of changes on those guidelines in data collection and cross-country comparisons.

Appendix 2b: Countries in the microdata analysis

Country Life expectancy at birth (years) GNI per capita HDI rank CRPD ratification year Constitutional guarantees Explicit prohibition of disability discrimination in the workplace Income support policies World Bank income classification
Cambodia 69.6 4,079 146 2012 No Yes NC Lower-middle
Guatemala 69.2 8,723 135 2009 No Yes C Upper-middle
Haiti 63.2 2,848 163 2009 No Yes C Lower-middle
Kenya 61.4 4,474 152 2008 Yes Yes C Lower-middle
Maldives 79.9 15,448 90 2010 Yes Yes NC Upper-middle
Mali 58.9 2,133 186 2008 No Yes C Low
Mauritania 64.4 5,075 158 2012 No Yes C Lower-middle
Nigeria 52.7 4,790 163 2010 No Yes C Lower-middle
Pakistan 66.1 4,624 161 2011 No Yes C Lower-middle
Rwanda 66.1 2,210 165 2008 Yes Yes C Low
Senegal 67.1 3,344 170 2010 No Yes C Lower-middle
South Africa 62.3 12,948 109 2007 Yes Yes NC Upper-middle
Timor-Leste 67.7 4,461 140 2023 Yes Yes NC Lower-middle
Tonga 71.0 6,822 91 Signed only (2007) No No None Upper-middle
Uganda 62.7 2,181 166 2008 Yes Yes C Low

Notes: N/A stands for not available. GNI is the Gross National Income per capita in constant 2017 purchasing power parity (PPP) terms. If the CRPD is not ratified by the country, the table indicates if it has been signed or if no action has been taken. The key for constitutional guarantees is as follows: No = no specific provisions for the equality of persons with disabilities; Yes = the equality of persons with disabilities is guaranteed. The key for explicit prohibition of disability discrimination in the workplace is as follows: No = no explicit prohibition of workplace discrimination based on disability; Yes= disability-specific prohibition of workplace discrimination in at least one category (hiring, promotion and/or demotion, training, pay, termination). The key for income support policies is as follows: C = contributory program(s); NC = non-contributory program(s); left blank if no program anchored in legislation. Sources: OHCHR (2023), UNDP (2022), US Social Security Administration (2019), US Social Security Administration (2018), World Bank (2023), World Policy Analysis Center (2023)